Friday, April 10, 2020

WLO - Cat Claw Boots

Me to you!
Hello, guys! It's 2020 now. I wanna share how to make Cat Claw Boots. Thanks Kelvin/Sato-kun, you moved me to write again! Love you too, bro.

So, first take a look of Cat Claw Boots details:

If you take a look at wlodb, I'd suggest you to use this formula to make Cat Claw Boots.

Let's make Furious Claw. First, Masked Helmet. Second, Sunrise Cuffs. Third, Guard's sword (rank 30)/ Knight war boots (rank29)/ Blue steel armor (rank 29).

I hope making Furious Claw wouldn't make you give up and keep going lul
Because I have a good news, it's only the furious claw that is annoying.

Okay now, let's make Wolf Suit, Mana Fur boots and Blue rider boots.

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