Thursday, January 18, 2024

WLO - Charlotte RB Quest

WOOOHOOOOO finally we have Charlotte RB Quest in WLORI!!👻
Yep, we can revival Charlotte free star!! HOOORAAYYYY!! (long walk though ... hehehe)

Pre-Quests are Angela Death Quest and Eva Death Quest.
(click here) Angela Death Quest & Eva Death Quest

I put Angela and Eva in team to do Charlotte Death Quest.


💂Go to Corn Wall
From Cornwall, go to portal that I arrowed. Cut scene will automatically start.
Go in to the portal and go to (?)

  • We gotta fight these birds twice. Boss can seal (sleep) and they are pretty fast (I'm guessing more than 1k speed). They don't hit very hard, I should say the easiest one to compare with Angela and Eva Death Quest (even my newb team can do this quest without complete team).

  • After the battle, Charlotte will save us from Griffin's attack.
  • [WARNING] ONCE CHARLOTTE LEFT team, close your alogin.

  • Go to Alter Village where we get Charlotte.
  • Check my previous blog if you need a guide to go to Alter Village (click here)
  • Get Charlotte back and keep her in Hotel.
  • Go back to Griffin to finish the talk.

So Charlotte is a Southern Cross. 👀

Rewards are:
4* star
1* 3x pot

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