Sunday, August 17, 2014

WLO - Pet Revival.

Hello, players.

Now, the topic is about pet revival. Are you wondering, how many stars will you need to revive the pets? What to do after the death quests? Where do you need to Rb the pets? Well, I'm here to help you to ease the wonders (Wonderland Online v. 6.0+).
  • First of all, finished up the pet death quests for the next steps.
"Then what is the next?"
  • Second, you need to goto Abba at Holy Village.
"Who's Abba"? Abba is a priest at Church.
  • Third, revival your pet with stars.
"I got my pet back. So, what now?"
  • Forth, goto Hanging Garden and follow the pictures below.

  • Fifth, put your pet in battle, un-wear the equipment from your pet, and then talk to Energy Caster. There's a "random" button before you, "confirm" it. So, keep clicking the random button before you Rb your pet. Cause it will be the basic stats for your pet. Basic stats = can't be scrolled.

  • Additional: "What if my pet died? Where to get him/her back? Do I need more stars to revive it?". If your pet died, then you need to get your pet back from Abba, again. And yes, you need more stars. But half of first revival. Example: Frederico needs 10* stars to revive, then you need 5* stars to get him back again.

Here's the list for the stars to revive the pets.

So, which pet is your favorite? Goodluck in pets!

  • Play fair and have fun with ritz.

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