Wednesday, August 20, 2014

WLO - Potential Pill

Hello, players.

By the way, do you know, what's Potential Pills are for? Potential Pills will add your attribute (point for STR, CON, INT, WIS, AGI) all of them. How many point of attribute will it adds?

Well, there's 2 quests available for the Potential Pills so far. There's also a Super Potential Pill (100% success rate) quest as well. Please check it out on my blog page

Let's Start!
  • Fishing Village
First, goto the corner - right bottom of the China map. Talk to the Villagers to active the quest. You will see that, the Villagers are bullying a little boy. Because this little boy caused many troubles for them.

Second, pay the little boy's debt as the compensation. You must pay the Villagers for 30,000G (30k).

Third, after you paid for it, Xiao Yee (the name of the little boy), dropped his Jade. Pick his Jade and return it to him. He's at Fishing Village. Later, you will see him and he's bullying a little girl. After the long talk, he will leaves to find his father and you will get the Potential Pill.

  • Bangkok
First, follow the map below.

You will see an Elf has fallen onto the ground. You need a recovery potion to heal her.

Second. go back to Bangkok. Get into the house shown below. Then, talk to Kwint. There's a battle to stop him.

Third, after you're done with the battle, Kwint regretted for what he has done. So, he will give you Tree Sprout to return it to the Elf. The Elf, will give you the Potential Pill as the reward.

  • Additional: you can use Potential Pill to make your pet to never leave you. So you can Make your pet +1, and it will not run away cause of the low amity! ResourceAhJian RunFor MyLife.

Good luck in questing!

  • Play fair and have fun with ritz.

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